Ideal Sales Leads: 2 or more travelers/rooms 100 room nights annually OR local company with moderate needs
Why 1 traveler/room leads are not so great? 1 traveler is perfect for the RediRewards program. There are a number of reasons the guest could need lodging. They may provide their company name but they may not be traveling on official business. However, if their room is booked by their office with a company credit card, it’s worth a shot!
Where do you get your leads?
Company email addresses
Third Party Authorization Forms
Multiple rooms checking in or reserving together
Company names listed on work shirts
Signatures on incoming emails
Google addresses
Company vehicles
Parking lots of competitors/home improvement stores
Your inn’s parking lot
If providing general rates or info for construction companies or contractors, be sure to get their company information.
What to share with your ADOS? As much as possible!!
Company Name
Address/Branch Name
Contact Person & Phone Number/Email
Where are they working? What do they do? Examples: Construction Project – Store development at American Dream or Roadwork on 495 project, bus tours, truck routes from Point A to Point B.
**Have you offered a rate already (i.e. crew inquiry)? If so, what is it? Are they using a Third Party CC Auth?
When in doubt, send it over and we can certainly research and prospect the business. This is about Quality, not Quantity.