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Stephanie Doherty

December is always a month of reflection.  Sometimes panic sets in along with it.  What’s my review going to look like?  Did I achieve my goals?  Did I set any goals?  What do I still have left to do?  What’s next year going to look like?  These are all common questions that may be floating around in your head as we head into the final weeks of 2024.  Stress, relief, anxiety, happiness, exhilaration. It all gets mixed together, like the wrapping paper on the living room floor on Christmas morning.

In partnership with the original MIBE VIBE, from Anthony Lambatos, you can really put your mind at ease by focusing on the year that’s ahead and not dwell on what you’ve left behind.

Adapted from Anthony: “As the snow begins to fall and winter sets in here in Colorado, a new ski season kicks off for me.  And thanks to Warren Miller (a famous ski and snowboarder filmmaker) who said, “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do”, I find myself thinking critically not just about the next few months, but the year ahead and what I want that to look like.  What are the markers of change in our life throughout the year?  (like the seasons that most of get to see!).  I encourage you to lean into the change and take stock of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish.  Are you in the same place you were a year ago?  Is there something you’ve been putting off?  And are you moving closer to your dreams and ambitions, or are they getting further out of reach?

There is always time to start something new.  Whether it be December 18th, January 1st, or June 1st.  I recently came upon a great quote.  If Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet!  Start somewhere.  Recruit others to help you and motivate you!  Write it down to make it real!  What has helped me?  I like to, kind of, create a theme each year for myself that mentally helps create the motivation for my year.  (and of course, in true Stephanie spirit... it has to rhyme).  Maybe this will help you too!  2023 was “Focus on me in 2023”.  2024: Focus on my core in 2024.  So, what have I chosen for 2025? 

Strive and Thrive in 2025!

Happy Holidays everyone!  Here’s to the New Year!!

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